Writing inbox

A working list of thoughts that I'd like to ponder more, or simply retain for a bit.

  • My distractions can hurt others.
  • Living the life you want requires not only doing the right things, but also to stop doing the wrong things.
  • Tantalus. His curse was forever reaching for things he didn't need to begin with.
  • "Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two soverign masters, pain and pleasure."
  • "It is a curious truth that when you gently pay attention to negative emotions, they tend to dissipate - but positive ones expand."
  • We don't run out of willpower.
  • Level of self-compassion had greater impact on anxiety and depression than many of the external factors that one would expect.
  • Self-compassion makes people more resilient by breaking the vicious cycle of stress that accompanies failure.
  • When it comes to our time, focus on the input you can control and don't worry about the outcomes you can't control.
  • Not showing up guarantees failure.
  • The people we love should not be content getting whatever time is left over.
  • Receiving a notification but not replying to it is just as distracting as responding to a message or call.
  • Is the trigger serving me, or am I serving it?
  • RSS feeds for digital gardens.
  • Pigeons pecked at levers more often when given a reward on a variable schedule of reinforcement.
  • Too often people schedule a meeting to avoid having to put in the effort of solving a problem for themselves.
  • Meeting should not be used as a distraction from doing the hard work of thinking.
  • Meetings are for consensus building.
  • People are typically more motivated to avoid losses than to seek gains.
  • Losing hurts more than winning feels good.
  • A lack of control leads us to seek things that we can control, which are often just distractions.
  • Frame work as a learning problem, not an execution problem.
  • I need to think more about what I'd like this to be...

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